Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Bonus Drawing!

Diary Entry #005 went so well last night that I was still in a drawing mood when I was done. This is one of the things I did. I was trying to capture the general feeling of that creepy-but-cool final close up of Anthony Perkins in Psycho. I like how it turned out.

Bonus movie trivia: Did you know that Hitchcock superimposed a skull over Anthony Perkins' face in this shot to make it extra creepy? Well, he did.


Anonymous said...

Ahh... a movie trivia guy too... we need to Trivial Pursuit (yes...I did say it-yet another side to my geekiness) one of these days and match wits!
Theatre trivia...Did you know that in the original production of Cabaret... Joel Grey's make-up was altered as the show progressed to reflect a skull by the show's end?'s true!

John Trumbull said...

Had no idea, but that is cool.

I'm down for Trivial Pursuit. Doubt I'll have time for it until July, though.